Information on identification |
Ref. code AP: | R.RdG.15: 68 |
Former reference codes: | G 15: 68 |
| 15/68 |
Title: | Bodenbenutzungserhebung |
Creation date(s): | 1946 - 1956 |
Level: | Akte |
Information on extent |
Archival Material Types: | Akte |
Information on context |
Name of the creator / provenance: | Rat der Gemeinde Gelbensande |
Information on content and structure |
Contains: | auch: Volks-, Berufs- und Betriebszählungen am 31. August 1950. |
Usage |
Permission required: | Archivar |
Physical Usability: | Uneingeschränkt |
Accessibility: | Öffentlich |
URL for this unit of description |
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